只為給您 一個值得信賴的教學品質
創辦人:Manuel Delmestro
Dear Friends & Fitness enthusiasts from China,
I am Manuel Delmestro, the founder and president of the InternationalBody Resistance &Fitness Association (IBFA).
Today I am very happy and proud to have the chance to welcome you here and
tointroduce our association and myself to you.
IBFA is a trustworthy educational institution that provides certificationcourses and
exams approved by the authorities.Through training programs such as seminars, activities,
lectures, and courses, we cultivate talents such as “sports managers," “professional lecturers,"
“specialist instructors," “personal trainers," and
“physical fitness instructors."
Accordingly, we improve the quality of employment and professional credibility.
We are going to share with you the newesttraining techniques and state-of-the-art
scientific research findings in this field.
IBFA promotes learning at beginner level and offers a variety of courses. With the
introduction of the latest European
scientific research technology and advices from our medical and sports consultants, instructors
in IBFA are equipped
with advanced skills and knowledge aside from their specialties of master degree in physical
We warmly welcome you all to join us in our endeavor to make the benefits of fitness
and a healthy life available to
more and more people.
Thank you very much, and see you soon!
Wednesday 5 July 2017
- 推動安全有效之體適能專業學術訓練,透過研習,活動,講習,講座,課程等培訓計畫,
- 培育出健身產業之『運動經理人』,『專業講師』,『專項教官』,『個人教練』,
- 『體適能指導員』等優秀人才,並提高職場就業品質與專業公信。
- 總會由義大利Manuel E. Delmestro 博士 與 德國Mirko Kruppa 博士所創立,
- 提倡零基礎學習,產業多元化發展為主軸,
- 引進歐洲最新科學研究技術,給予專業效率提升之概念,結合多位醫學主任把關學術品質,
- 並由體育專項碩士學位優秀導師授課,
- 務必嚴格塑造最完善之教學品牌與優良形象。